Precocious, a comic by Christopher J Paulsen

Friends and Idols

I love a lot of webcomcs. A few webcomics even love me. It would simply be negligent to not give such blessed entities a kind shout out! Here's a small selection of webcomics I enjoy. I hope you enjoy them too!

Code Name: Hunter -
You Say it First
Namir Deiter
Badly Drawn Kitties
Sometime Alone
Ginger's Bread
Between Places
Autumn Lake
Rune Master
Alone in a Crowd
Slightly Off-Topic
Calamities of Nature
War of the Winds

Linking to Precocious

Want to link to this comic from your webpage? (Please?) If you want to be *really* nice to me, you can host these banners on your own website and link them to C'mon, I need all the help I can get!

728x90 banners

Precocious 728x90 banner

Precocious 728x90 banner

160x600 banners

Precocious skyscraper banner

Precocious skyscraper banner

468x60 banners

Precocious 468x60 banner

Precocious 468x60 banner

Precocious 468x60 banner

Precocious 468x60 banner

Precocious 468x60 banner

Precocious 468x60 banner

234x60 banners

Precocious 234x60 banner Precocious 234x60 banner

200x40 banner

Precocious 200x40 banner

125x125 banners

Precocious 125x125 banner Precocious 125x125 banner Precocious 125x125 banner Precocious 125x125 banner

117x30 button

Precocious 117x30 button Precocious 117x30 button

88x31 buttons

Precocious 88x31 button Precocious 88x31 button Precocious 88x31 button Precocious 88x31 button Precocious 88x31 button Precocious 88x31 button

120x240 banners

Precocious 120x240 banner Precocious 120x240 banner Precocious 120x240 banner Precocious 120x240 banner Precocious 120x240 banner