Awesome Links about me!
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- My fans are awesome! Check out the TV Tropes page for Precocious! Seeing Precocious on that sites makes my ego happy!
- I've been bootlegged by the Russians! Hey, as long as no one else is profiting from it, I'm cool with it. (Note: This is not me enabling you to go do something with my content too. Ask permission first.)
- Check out the interview I did with the Palace in the Sky group! It was a fun excuse to blather on about how awesome I am.
- I did an interview with the Xcentrikz! It's a self-indulgent good time!
- Much to my delight, Precocious was mentioned in a Kidjutsu blog about Webcomics Calvin and Hobbes Fans Would Enjoy. That's flattery of the highest order, so I can't help but pass it along! I'm a big fan of Kidjutsu's goal of providing comics for kids.
- I've been reviewed! Check it out! Somebody out there likes me! Many thanks to ArtPatient for the write-up.
- And let's not forget my first ever review, by the WebcomiCritic!
- Now available for download: My Webcomic Reviews and Interviews podcast interview. Listen to my sexy voice, marvel at my ranting and gawk at the trainwreckiness of it all!
- Also available for download: My Moonhawk Studios Presents podcast interview. I'm more guest than focus, so I don't pop in until the middle somewhere.
- You should check out this page of War of Winds, by Kez! If you look closely, you'll see the tapestries on the wall in the first panel are displaying MY ARTWORK! How awesome is that?
- Check out some fan art I did for the Cyanthian Chronicles over here.
- I got a feature from Comics Bento
- The cast of Alone in a Crowd dressed up as Precocious characters for Halloween. Check it out!
- Precocious got a nice video review over here!
- I made a listing on the Webcomics Overlook as a webcomic that doesn't get enough attention. Ain't that the truth!