Precocious, a comic by Christopher J Paulsen

Fan Art

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Note: More fan art fun can be found posted on the Precocious forum. All future updates will likely go in the fan art thread.

Lewis Turner fan art

This darling Tiffany portrait comes from Lewis Turner, who is just starting up his own comic. Doesn't Tiff look adorable?

Brookes Eggleston fan art

This spectacular piece of fan art comes from Brookes Eggleston, of Also, Bagels. Here we have the Precocious kids taking out his character, Loxxe, as they are want to do. I love seeing how other cartoonists interpret my characters with their style. Jacob looks darling!

Tom Szewc fan art

Tom of Alone in A Crowd has upped the ante with fan art, by throwing Tiffany into one of his strips! The Hopetails campaign paid off!

Jimmy Miz fan art

This amazing piece of fan art comes from Jimmy Misanthrope, creator of the great comic Agents of the Endtimes. Don't the characters look so cool with his style? Dude can draw!

Al S Romero fan art

This nifty drawing of Autumn comes from Al S. Romero, a cartoonist just starting out, who is prepping a launch for a strip called "Life's Lemons." I'm happy to have been part of the development of an up-and-coming artist!

Tim fan art

This one comes from Tim, who was inspired to draw this by the naptacular Tiffany!

Webcomicritic fan art

My first fan art! This one comes from The WebcomiCritic, who *also* provided me with my first ever review. Gotta say, that would be the standard reaction to extras! (And I think we can all agree that Jacob needs a giant cartoon hammer - more for defense, though!)

Mati P fan art

This is a concept sketch for Copper Road character Hiram Hu, Kaitlyn's father, provided by Mati P. I had posted a group of Hi candidates on my sketch blog and asked for advice on what features worked best. Mati went above and beyond and created this sketch, which ended up being closer to Hi Hu's final design than anything I concocted!