Precocious, a comic by Christopher J Paulsen Precocious Strip #967

Strip #967 - "Nobody to the rescue "


I'm open for commissions, and this time I've brought a few friends! Click here for more info!

(Click here to go to the start of this story)

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Precocious deleted scene

October 31, 2011: New site, new host

If you're seeing this update, things are moving too slow! Precocious has moved to a new site and you're missing it! (It may take a full 24 hours before the DNS nonsense is sorted out.) You should be basking in the glorious dark blue of the new site! Anyway, until the new site has fully propagated everywhere there will be glitches. Please bear with me!

October 29, 2011: Also, Bagels book!

Friend of the comic, Brookes Eggleston, has just announced book two of his comic, Also, Bagels, and I thought I'd give it a mention. Go buy it!

October 26, 2011: Ask the characters! (UPDATE)

UPDATE: Now that the 24-hour adventure has ended, we move on to the Ask the Characters promotion! I hope you enjoy them! Since we lost a day due to TWC glitchery, this promotion will extend until November 1st. Also, I'm still accepting questions, so get 'em in!

First of all, the daily vote incentive bonus comic continues, so I hope you're following along! Second, I need to do something to fill the last seven days of October once the 24-hour story finishes up. My solution: ASK THE CHARACTERS!

I turn to you, readers, to provide the questions. Anything you'd like to know about the Precocious cast? Send me an email with any number of questions for any number of Precocious characters and I'll pick seven from the submissions to have the characters answer. The remaining questions will be held for later use as future vote incentives or break week material.

I'm hoping for good audience participation here, so don't let me down! These strips will start running on the 25th, so please get your questions in before then! If this works out, I may make this a regular feature, so make it work!

Oh, and I do love answering questions about *me* and the comic over on Formspring.

October 10, 2011: Open for Commissions!

As foretold in the ancient prophecies, I have opened myself up for some commissions - and I brought some friends with me! click here for more information!

And don't forget to keep voting! A new incentive page goes up on TWC every day in October.

October 1, 2011: Vote for a bonus story!

Today is a day of experimenting! I have decided to take on the 24-hour Comic Day challenge! The twist is that I won't be posting all my work at once. Instead, I'm using these comics for vote incentives! Each day in October, I will be posting another hour of the kids's own 24-hour adventure. (When the comics run out on the 24th, I'll find something else to post!)

You have to vote every day to see these bonus comics, as I'm currently not planning on putting them in an archive. Consider it my experiment to see how many people read this news section. If you do, you get a treat AND I get more votes to help me on TWC, which in turn helps bring in new readers for Precocious!

September 18, 2011: Precocious DeviantArt Group!

Hey, deviants! Go here and do things! Much love to the delightful Pea for setting this up. Go share some love for Precocious art, fanart and comic edits - and maybe contribue something of your own? C'mon, people. Inspire me to learn how to DA. It's been almost three years and I still haven't updated past my first blog, nor have I figured out what a DeviantID is. I fail at social arting.

And I might as well remind you guys of the Precocious group on Facebook. I know it's just a few news posts below, but I suspect most of you rarely scroll down. In fact, you're probably not... reading... this... sentence. Dang. Foiled again.

September 14, 2011: Copper Road update (Update updated!)

UPDATE: You get a new Copper Road after all! Yay! The deleted scene has been rotated out. If you missed it, let that be a lesson to you that you should vote every day!

I haven't decided if there will be a new Copper Road this week (see the deleted scene posted instead) but I did go ahead and upgrade the Copper Road archives with strips from the last month! Now you can comment on them and catch up with what you missed! (Although you really shouldn't have missed any, because you're voting every day... RIGHT?!?)

September 6, 2011: Thank you!

I had planned to put another news post up instead of this one, but that event's taking a bit longet to come together than expected - so you get some shout outs instead! (Still, keep watching this space!)

I want to thank everyone who contributed to the guest week of strips! Thanks to Mat Sherer (whose comic is BACK from hiatus!), Darc Sowers, Raiettei, Pea, Dark Chan, DRB_II, Cookie, Iron Ed, Michael Kellogg, Jeremy Spokes and his sister! You guys are all amazing and you helped save my sanity!

June 26, 2011: Precocious Facebook page!

It's about time I give some attention to this. Facebook users, come join the Precocious group some awesome readers set up! Once we organize, we can then... DO THINGS! Good things! Well, maybe some evil things too...

May 5, 2011: Communications Upgrade!

First of all, we're still rocking the daily color thing and I don't see that letting up any time soon. Say hello to the new and improved Chrispy! Now, let's cover the other fun stuff in relation to my return to greatness: